Students in Years 7-9 will have tests and assessments to prepare for. To support this all students learn about evidence based revision strategies in assemblies and tutor time.

Please find a link to a one page knowledge organiser showing evidence based revision strategies that are proven to be effective.  

You can find out more about these revision strategies here or from the book Ace That Test by the Learning Scientists. We also have a copy in our library.

Please see links below to Animated Study Skills videos for you to watch together (adults and children).

They are designed to support with completing homework as well as ways to prepare for tests and exams.

Please watch these together and discuss ways you can best support the development of independent home learning, which will support academic progress.

Please click the links below to view the videos.

Effective Study spaces – YouTube

Pomodoro Study Technique – YouTube

Organising your time – YouTube

Distractions – YouTube

Listening to music when studying – YouTube

Brain Dump – YouTube

Checking for Understanding – YouTube

Hydration & Energy Drinks – YouTube

Food – YouTube

Rest & Sleep RMA – YouTube

Year 10 Homework Timetable – YouTube

Year 11 Homework Timetable – YouTube

The last piece of advice is to ASK your teachers – we are here to help if you aren’t sure of anything.

Dr Thompson