On this page, you will find downloadable files for all the major School policies. These will be updated as appropriate, with new ones added along the way as they are introduced by the School. Click on the relevant link below to view each policy.

School Policies

KMA – Acceptable Use For Online Learning Policy
KMA – Accessibility Plan
KMA – Admissions Policy
KMA – Anti-Bullying Policy
KMA – Attendance Policy
KMA – Behaviour Policy
KMA – Educational Visits Policy
KMA – Equality Statement & Objectives
KMA – Freedom of Information Schedule
KMA – Health & Safety Policy
KMA – ICO Freedom of Information Act Model Publication
KMA – Online Safety Policy
KMA – Rewards Policy
KMA – RSE Policy
KMA – Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
KMA – Searching, Screening & Confiscation Policy
KMA – SEND Policy
KMA – Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions and Administration of Medicine Policy
KMA – Uniform Policy

Trust Policies

The policies and procedures shown below are Trust-wide policies that encompass all academies within The Mead Educational Trust (TMET). To find further information about policies and procedures specific to The Mead Educational Trust please visit their website.

TMET – Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy
TMET – CCTV Policy
TMET – Charging & Remissions Policy
TMET – Children with health needs who cannot attend school policy
TMET – Complaints Policy
TMET – Data Breach Policy
TMET – Data Protection Policy
TMET – Data Retention Policy
TMET – Early Career Teachers (ECT) Policy
TMET – Equality and Diversity Policy
TMET – Freedom of Information Policy
TMET – Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
TMET – ICO Model Publication Scheme
TMET – IT Acceptable Use Policy (EYFS/KS1)
TMET – IT Acceptable Use Policy (KS2)
TMET – IT Acceptable Use Policy (KS3/KS4)
TMET – IT Acceptable Use Policy Parent Consent
TMET – IT Staff Acceptable Use Policy
TMET – Nursery Admissions Policy
TMET – Parent & Visitor Code of Conduct
TMET – Physical Intervention Policy
TMET – Privacy Notice – Parent
TMET – Privacy Notice – Pupil
TMET – Privacy Notice – Recruitment
TMET – Privacy Notice – Staff
TMET – Scheme of Delegation
TMET – Subject Access Request
TMET – Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy
TMET – Whistleblowing Policy