Where can I access help and support?

Hi, my name is Mrs Helena Sampson, and I am the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) at Kibworth Mead Academy.

We are absolutely committed to creating a happy and safe environment for all members of our academy community. We work closely with students, their parents, and carers in order to ensure that our young people are safe both inside and outside of school.

Students are taught how to keep themselves safe through PSHE lessons, tutorials, and other wider experiences such as taking part in workshops and watching performances. At Kibworth Mead Academy we aim to ensure that all students learn how to keep themselves safe both on and off-line, how to have safe and healthy relationships and how to avoid exploitation.

My role is to ensure the welfare and safety of all children who attend Kibworth Mead Academy. We believe that students have a right to learn in a supportive, caring, and safe environment which includes the right to protection from all types of abuse; where staff are vigilant for signs of any student in distress and are confident about applying our safeguarding processes to avert and alleviate any such problems. Through regular training, all staff are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to safeguard students from all forms of abuse.

The academy has a statutory responsibility to share any concerns it might have about a child in need of protection with other agencies and in particular with the police, Children’s Services and Health. Schools are not able to investigate concerns but have a legal duty to refer any concerns that they do have on to the most relevant agent. In most instances, the academy will be able to inform the parents/carer of its need to make a referral and will ensure that the parent/carer is fully informed of the action that the school has taken. However, on occasion the academy may be advised by Children’s Social Care or by the police that the parent/carer cannot be informed whilst they investigate the matter. The school follows legislation that aims to act in the best interests of the child.

To ensure that all members of our academy are safe and well we liaise closely with the following agencies:

  • Local Safeguarding and Children Board
  • Children and Young People’s Services
  • Child Protection Unit
  • School Health
  • Educational Psychology
  • Open Door Leicester
  • Looked After Children Service

We are here to help, email us at [email protected]

Kibworth Mead Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

I have a concern about a child

If you are ever concerned about the safety or wellbeing of someone at our academy, please talk to myself or one of my Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads immediately:

H Sampson
A Hernandez Evora
S Piggot
T Milligan
M Stanton
P Thompson
K Rees
C Payne
B Palmer
E Roizer

If you have any safeguarding concerns about a child at Kibworth Mead Academy outside of school hours, please call Social Care on 0116 305 0005 or the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000. Further information can be found by following the links below. Concerns can also be sent to school via our email address [email protected]  This email will be sent to our safeguarding team at the school and will be monitored throughout the year however, if the concern relates to immediate danger or harm to a child please contact Social Care on the above number immediately.

Supporting your child with online safety

It can be hard for parents to keep up with new technologies, and just thinking about keeping children safe online can seem daunting.

The main dangers children and their parents need to be aware of are: cyber bullying, grooming by sexual predators and the problems of posting personal or embarrassing information online.

It is important to remember that the internet is a fun and valuable place for children to play and learn, and the vast majority of the time using the internet is a fantastic experience for millions of children.

However there can be hidden dangers. On the internet people can be instantly connected and you cannot always be sure you are talking to the person you think you are. It is also worth remembering, once something is posted on the internet it is almost impossible to remove and so personal or embarrassing material can be seen by anyone, anywhere.

We shouldn’t be overwhelmed by the negatives, remember the internet is a great resource for children. It is important that we give them space to explore the internet, so they can learn to keep themselves safe.

For information in connection with online safety, including support for parents and carers to ask awkward but important questions in connection with things such as online relationships, sharing nude images and the dangers of online grooming, you might find the following site ThinkUKnow useful – click here for the Parents Information Section Parents and carers | CEOP Education

Sextortion: Eliminating Child Sexual Abuse Online – Internet Watch Foundation IWF

For information in connection with understanding the dangers posed by online games, parents and carers might find this leaflet, created by the NSPCC, helpful.  Please click here to read more How to Ensure Your Children Stay Safe While Playing Online Games | NSPCC

Social Media can be both a wonderful way to connect with people but also, like many things, there are downsides too.  Parents and carers can read more about this topic in this leaflet created by the NSPCC.  Please click here to read more What is social media? | NSPCC

Many families will have internet connected devices for their child or home – these might be toys, streaming devices or other things.  You can read more about the potential risks of these devices by clicking here Internet connected devices | NSPCC

The NSPCC is a valuable resource when it comes to support for dealing with something upsetting and/or reporting something that you have seen online.  They can also offer support to remove nude images that have been shared online by children.  Click here to learn more about this Keeping children safe online | NSPCC

Children learn by exploring and that the world they live in includes the internet.  You can help by making sure they learn in safety, by being there for them when they need you and by pointing them in the right direction if and when they need your guidance.

For more information visit the CEOP Safety Centre

‘PREVENT’ is short for ‘Preventing Violent Extremism’ and is a joined up safeguarding approach between partner agencies which aims to protect vulnerable people from extremism.  The overall aim of Prevent is to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting violent extremism by raising awareness of the issues and providing practical education and support.

There are many factors that can make someone vulnerable to radicalisation and these can apply to anyone of any age, gender or background.  It is important that we stay vigilant to changes in our young people and speak out if something doesn’t feel right.  It is important to note that seeking support from PREVENT is unlikely to lead to any criminal outcome – PREVENT aims to support someone before activity becomes criminal by re-educating them and helping them to turn away from extremist views or ideas.

The following list is provided as possible vulnerabilities which might make a person more at risk of being exploited.  Having a concern which links to one of these vulnerabilities does not necessarily mean someone is being radicalised. There can be other explanations behind the behaviours and we always need to consider the bigger picture and full context when considering what a behaviour might be communicating.

Some possible vulnerabilities and indicators might include:

  • Intolerance of others views or beliefs
  • Unwillingness to discuss own views
  • An obsessive and/or angry desire for change
  • Spending long periods online, looking at or sharing extremist views
  • Isolating self from friends and family
  • Looking to blame others
  • Need for belonging, identity or meaning

Acting early and seeking support is the most effective way to turn someone away from extremism, we know that it is possible to make a difference through education and specialist support.

In school, we might refer to PREVENT or our PREVENT Education Coordinator to seek advice if a child presents with concerning views or behaviours.  By doing so we can work together to identify what the concerns are and what the most effective support might be.  Wherever possible, we will work with parents and carers to do this.  If you are concerned about a child and want to discuss this with the school please do not hesitate to get in touch with us: [email protected] or by calling 0116 2792238 and asking to speak to a DSL.

You can find out more about PREVENT, the available support and what to do if you have a concern by clicking the links below:

To find out more about the signs of radicalisation, please look at this information provided by ACT  Protecting children from radicalisation | ACT Early

For tips on talking to young people about this issue, please click here Tips for talking about radicalisation | ACT Early

For support in seeking advice and acting early in relation to a concern, please click here Why you should tell us your concerns | ACT Early

Our school is an Operation Encompass School.

Operation Encompass is a joined up approach between police and schools to help to share information regarding Domestic Abuse incidents to help schools to take immediate action to support a child when they return to school.  Operation Encompass will also provide information connected to incidents where a child has gone missing or where they have experienced other difficulties in the home likely to impact on them and their wellbeing.

Operation Encompass ensures that there is a telephone call or email notification to a school’s trained to the DSL, usually Mrs Sampson & Mr Evora, prior to the start of the next school day after an incident.  This sharing of information enables appropriate support to be given, dependent upon the needs and wishes of the child.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead and our Deputies have undertaken Key Adult training.  In addition, all staff have received training in connection with Domestic Abuse, Missing Episodes and the role of Operation Encompass.

Sexual Behaviour

It is natural and normal for children and young people to develop and express their sexuality, this may be done through play, talk, questions and conversations, as well as through touch.  It can be helpful to think about sexual behaviour demonstrated by children on a continuum, from healthy to harmful.  Essentially, healthy behaviours are those which are typical for the child’s age, which are enjoyable and mutually consensual, whereas potentially harmful behaviours are those which would not be appropriate for a child’s age, which might be excessive or compulsive or where there is a significant difference in age or power.

As a parent or carer, children will look to you to model healthy relationships and to help them to navigate this area of their lives.  As with everything, talking to your child about healthy relationships from an early age will be beneficial for their future. It can also be a good idea to ‘drip feed’ information rather than go for ‘The Talk’.

Some things that you can go through with your child to help inform safe and healthy choices might be:

  • Discussing the issue of consent and the importance of gaining and/or giving permission in relation to sexual activity of any kind
  • Helping them to have the confidence to say no to things that they don’t want to do
  • Helping them to understand that nobody has the right to ask them to do anything that they are not comfortable with
  • Letting them know that sexual activity should be enjoyed by both partners
  • Discussing the importance of trust and respect

Finding out that your child has done something which might be potentially sexually harmful is likely to be upsetting for everyone involved.  It is important to try to stay calm and listen to your child.  Some tips might include:

  • Take what is being said seriously
  • Talk to your child to help you to understand what has happened – let them know you will listen without losing your temper
  • Let your child know that there is help and support and that you will help to find it
  • Seek support from professionals
  • Find someone that you can talk freely to.

Remember, if you hear information that makes you suspect a child has been seriously harmed or is at risk of harm, you must report this.  You can call the police (101, non-emergency/999, emergency) or report to Children’s Social Care (0116 3050005)

There are websites that have information for parents and carers who’s child may have been involved in a potentially harmful sexual behaviour.  Harmful Sexual Behaviour | Child Exploitation East Midlands has information for parents and carers.

Child Sexual Exploitation is often known as CSE.  CSE is a form of child abuse where a child is groomed into sexual activity, often in exchange for something such as money, gifts or alcohol.  This is always abuse, even if the acts themselves seem consensual.  You can read more about this important topic, how to spot the signs and how to seek help by reading this leaflet produced by Leicester City Safeguarding Board child-sexual-exploitation-information-for-parents-and-carers-2019.pdf (lcitylscb.org)

The children’s charity, Barnardo’s has also produced helpful information on this topic on their website.  You can find it here Child sexual abuse and exploitation | Barnardo’s (barnardos.org.uk)

What is Early Help

Early Help’ means providing help for children, young people and families as soon as problems start to emerge or where it is likely that issues will impact negatively on children’s outcomes.

Early help is for children of all ages and not just the very young.  We know that the sooner we act to support children then the better the results can be.

Day to Day Support

Most families can get on with their lives quite happily with little or no outside help for much of the time.  Schools support families to do this through the normal systems that they have.

Early Help Assessment

For those children and families whose needs and circumstances make them more vulnerable, or where schools need the support of other agencies to meet the needs of the family, a co-ordinated multi-agency approach is usually best. In Leicestershire this is achieved through undertaking an Early Help Assessment and assigning a Lead Practitioner to work closely with the family to ensure they receive the support they require. Schools will be a key partner in any multi-agency work to support families.

Staff at Kibworth Mead with responsibility for supporting with Early Help are:

Early Help Offer KMA

Advice and Guidance


Our TALK checklist offers parents/carers advice on how to have useful conversations with your child.

Gurls out loud
Gurls Out Loud

Gurls Out Loud offers simple guidance for young people on what to do if they’re approached for nudes online.

Met Police
Met Police

Advice from the Met Police on what sextortion is and what to do if you’ve been targeted.

Get Safe Online
Get Safe Online

Get Safe Online offers advice if you’ve been a victim of blackmail or online grooming and online safety guidance.


CEOP Education provides a variety of guidance for children, parents/carers and professionals working with young people.

National Cyber Security Centre

A helpful guide from the National Cyber Security Centre on how to protect yourself from sextortion phishing scams.


StopNCII.org helps people have non-consensual intimate images (nudes, explicit images etc.) removed from the internet.

Help and Support


Childline offers support and guidance for children on a variety of issues including what to do if you’re being pressured to share sexual images or videos of yourself.

Marie Collins Foundation
Marie Collins Foundation

The Marie Collins Foundation offers free support for victims and survivors of sexual abuse. Specialist staff can offer someone to talk to, support and practical advice.


Samaritans offer a non-judgemental person to talk to. Call, email or live chat with them anytime. Call free on 116 123.

Victim Support
Victim Support

Victim Support is an independent charity dedicated to supporting victims of crime and traumatic incidents in England and Wales.


Are you, or is a young person you know, not coping with life? PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide offers a 24/7 helpline to speak with an understanding and non-judgemental person. Call free on 0800 068 41 41.

Shout 85258
Shout 85258

If you would prefer not to talk but want some mental health support, you can text SHOUT to 85258. Shout offers a confidential 24/7 text service providing support if you are in crisis and need immediate help.


CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) offer support for people over the age of 15 who are having suicidal thoughts or feelings. Open from 5pm to midnight every day of the year: 0800 58 58 58.

Hub of Hope
Hub of Hope

Hub of Hope offers a database of mental health support organisations for people experiencing mental and emotional distress.


Self-harm | Advice for young people | Get help | YoungMinds offers support around Self Harm for children and parents/carers.