We have high expectations of our students and recognise the importance of school uniform in ensuring students are proud ambassadors for Kibworth Mead Academy.
The vast majority of students value our uniform and wear it with significant pride. It is the responsibility of all students, staff and parents/carers to work together to ensure that students wear full uniform with pride. A student’s failure to adhere to the school uniform policy is a clear breach of the school behaviour code. A failure to adhere to the uniform guidance will result in a sanction that may include a fixed term exclusion from the school. Persistent failure to adhere to the uniform policy could result in further sanctions which may include isolation from normal classes until the uniform issues are rectified.
There may be the opportunity for students to borrow spare uniform on a one-off occasion, if they arrive in incorrect uniform due to unforeseen circumstances, such as staying at another parent’s home and not having had chance to get uniform prepared.
In situations where, for whatever reason, there are financial issues which are hindering a parent’s ability to provide school uniform, parents are advised to contact the Finance office directly. Any assistance that the school may be able to provide will be at the discretion of the school. All enquiries regarding financial support will be dealt with sensitively and confidentially.
All uniform items can be purchased from : Schoolwear Solutions